Macon Gunstocks How to Install
Gun stock makers explain basic procedures for installing a machine inlet gunstock which we will be breaking into four parts; fitting, shaping, sanding and finishing. Stock makers always do gunstock duplication in this order. Never attempt to shape or finish a gun stock before fitting is complete. If you have any additional question's, we have a technician available to assist you.
If you need help finding the necessary tools and components commonly used by gunstock makers, please contact us and if we don’t have it, we can get it. Please contact us for additional instructions from professional gunstock makers and note: NOT ALL MODELS REQUIRE THE SAME FITTING AND SHAPING TECHNIQUES.
We are an authorized distributor of Lin-Speed Gunstock Oil. Gunstock makers such as Fajens and Bishops have used this product for gun stock finishing for many years.
We are an authorized dealer for Graco adjustable butt pads and adjustable combs, also used by professional gun smiths.
Here are a few items you will need to finish gunstocks correctly.
1. Lin-Speed Gunstock makers Oil for finishing, excellent quality and easy to use. A real gun smiths favorite.
2. Acra glass bedding compound. Works great for filling voids and to reinforce your stock. Be sure to use the release agent included with the kit.
3. Loctite super glue to repair checking (small surface cracks which occur during drying process) and can be used with saw dust to fill larger voids. Pack the hole with saw dust and soak with Loctite. A real plus for gunstock makers.
" A few weeks ago we discussed a replacement stock set for my Beretta 686. You really gave me a well deserved talking to about using inletters black. I want to say, thanks. I also want to thank you for the way you pre-machined so much of the replacement pieces. I received them Saturday & started working on the set late morning. I finished the inletting on both the stock & forend before supper. That inlet black is great & made a big difference." Joe from Florida 4-2014
1. FITTING: When fitting a gun stock, regardless of the model, it is always best to start by closely comparing your original part to your new machine inlet part. Often small ridges and machining imperfections can be noted and cleaned using whatever appropriate scraping tool or file the application would require. A common practice by stock makers and gunsmiths.
Note: a rotary grinding tool i.e. Foredom or Dremel, while not mandatory, is an excellent advantage for any gunstock installer. In addition to a good assortment of small files (needle files) and standard size files, we recommend an assortment of stock makers chisels and scraping tools, which can be found in starter sets at most suppliers. Also, a good soft jaw bench vise to hold your project secure. Also, you will need inletters black.
2. SHAPING: With butt plate, grip cap and other options installed and with all inletting complete you are ready to shape your gun stock. Gunstock makers will tell you this can generally be achieved with no more than a good set of files and a palm sander.
A. With gunstock installed onto the gun note excess amount of wood where the marriage from metal-wood is achieved. This is referred to by gunstock makers as the wood being proud to the metal. Using a pencil you can trace against the metal to achieve a line of reference. This will be helpful because shaping of the gunstock should be done with gun stock removed from the metal components. Use the appropriate files for shaping the areas to your preferred contour. Note: A very small amount of extra wood should be left for sanding.
B. Now using a palm sander using 60 to 120 grit paper finish the shaping process and remove any file marks left on the stock, be careful not to over sand around inletted areas.
3. SANDING: Sanding is a simple process of removing any imperfections or machining marks not yet removed in the prior steps. Start off with 120 grit sandpaper and a palm sander; I prefer the triangle shape because it is easier to get into small areas like flutes and around the grip. After all machine marks and imperfections have been removed switch to a 220 grit sandpaper and repeat. Finally, using a 400 grit sandpaper brings the surface to a clean consistent appearance throughout.
4. FINISHING: gunstock makers will tell you that finishing a gunstock can be achieved with a number of different methods . In the interest of keeping it simple, for less experienced installers, we will cover only the more simple techniques. We feel that a hand rubbed oil finish is the easiest method for an inexperienced installer to use and will easily produce a beautiful deluxe finish for any grade/type of gunstock.
Apply a generous amount of Lin-Speed Oil to the gun stock part by first pouring the oil into the palm of your hand and rubbing it directly into the grain of the wood for about 2 minutes . Remove all extra oil from the part. NOTE: EXCESS OIL WILL CAUSE GUMMY FEEL. Be sure to dispose of the oil rags properly, as they may spontaneously com-bust and cause fire.
A. After giving the gun stock time to dry, which will vary from temperature and humidity.
B. It is time to lightly sand with 600 grit paper. Do not over sand you don’t want to remove all of the finish. Now sand with 1200 grit for that final luster. If finish is accidentally removed completely; repeat step A. Gunstock makers use a buffing wheel and compound for stock finishing, but are not mandatory to achieve a quality finish.
C. Lin-speed oil is a good way to finish in checkered areas without gumming up in the checkering. I use a tooth brush to apply. Remove all excess. A favorite of stock makers.
D. Touch up pens and other dyes can be found at Brownell's and help to fade repairs and other imperfects.
E. Formby’s gunstock re-finisher is a great way to remove most finishes from one part when matching to a new part. NOTE: it is always best to remove old finish to get to raw wood so the new part can be matched. Good for gun stock refinishing.
F. Pilkington spirit stain used in stock making. for pilkington spirit stain or inlet black
Jack First Inc for old obsolete parts
GOA "The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington"
– Ron Paul
Macon Gunstocks LLC
34535 Lickingteller Ave, Warsaw, MO 65355